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International Garden Festival |
Hortillonnages Amiens 2023
Visit of the exhibition by boat

Boarding pontoon
35 rue Roger Allou – 80450 Camon

In CAMON, rent a boat for 2h30 and sail to the different plots invested around the pond of Clermont.

The rental price of a boat is based on the number of people, from 1 to 6 max. including child(ren) under 3 years old
* 20€ / 1-2 people. * 27€ / 3-4 people. * 32€ / 5-6 people. * free -3 years old
+ ASCO fee per person: €1 / 11 years and + * €0.50 / 3-10 years
>>> Only by online reservation
To read the terms and conditions of sale, click here
For security reasons, animals are not allowed in the boats. Strollers must be dropped off at reception.

We invite visitors to continue to respect barrier gestures in order to fight against the spread of COVID-19.
If you want more details, we invite you to consult the evolution of the reception instructions and the health rules in force on the government website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus

For any request for information, you can send an email to communication@artetjardins-hdf.com
or call +33 6 78 53 55 92

Looking forward to welcoming you soon!

The team of Art & Jardins | Hauts-de-France

Céramophone – Lana Ruellan & Baptiste Roger

Céramophone – Lana Ruellan & Baptiste Roger
Monday April 24th, 2023 Nahil-Sarah Wehbé
  • Lana Ruellan et Baptiste Roger ©Yann Monel
  • Lana Ruellan et Baptiste Roger ©Yann Monel
  • Lana Ruellan et Baptiste Roger ©Yann Monel
  • Lana Ruellan et Baptiste Roger ©Yann Monel

Played by nature but operated by humans, the Ceramophone is a strange musical instrument tuned to its environment.

Like reeds, five metal rods are planted in the bank, bent towards the river. At the end of each one, five sounding ceramics are suspended at water level. On the bank, steel balance systems and counterweights keep them in balance.

The ceramics start to whistle when they sink into the river. The musical instrument questions the notion of fragility and the balance of power in this fragile ecosystem.

The user is invited to overturn this stability by tipping the device, then to contemplate the resonance of their action. A dialogue is then played between the place and its visitor.

The artist

(Français) Lana Ruellan & Baptiste Roger

(Français) Lana Ruellan est artiste céramiste et factrice d’instruments de musique curieux. Elle sculpte pour faire événement : ses instruments-sculptures réunissent pour créer des instants festifs propices aux rencontres. Lana Ruellan est diplômée de la Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR, Strasbourg) option « Terre ». Baptiste Roger est compositeur de musique électronique. Sa vision de la composition est fondamentalement plastique. Ils se sont associés ici pour proposer Céramophone, une installation sonore, pensée et conçue pour les Hortillonnages, dans la continuité de leurs travaux respectifs.