Participate in the development of a landscape & artistic creation label
Patronage Art & jardins | Hauts-de-France is deployed at local, regional and even national and international levels. Over the years, collaborations have been formed, and loyal entrepreneurs are now adding new supports; this is why we run a club open to both businesses and individuals.
Our patronage policy is built around simple values and principles : promoting contemporary creation, supporting social inclusion and raising citizens’ awareness of environmental challenges faced with climate change.
In order to support this dynamic of projects and to support the commitment of patrons, material and immaterial counterparts are established according to the means devoted by each. For more information on current productions and prospects for action, you can contact :
Gilbert Fillinger, Director
+33 (0)6 09 40 14 26 – +33 (0)3 22 52 52 96
Karl Tourais, Administrator
+33 (0)6 79 49 95 86 – +33 (0)3 22 52 52 96
THE CLUB art & jardins | Hauts-de-France
• Main Patrons > Patronage +20.000 €
Caisse des Dépôts Groupe – Mécénat / Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie by the support of Fonds de dotation Brie Picardie and of la Caisse locale d’Abbeville / Gueudet Automobile / Karel Komárek Family Foundation
• Great Patrons > Patronage 10.000-19.999 €
Groupe VINCI / SOPELEC / Groupe Duval / ENGIE / GAZELEC / Énergies du Santerre / ENEDIS / Hôtel Marotte
• Patrons > Patronage 5.000-9.999 €
Jean Trogneux / Espace Formation Consulting / Maisons Henri Devred / SOS Ambulances / Caisse d’Épargne / EDF
• Partners > Patronage 2.000-4.999 €
• Friends > Patronage 50-1.999 €