Trwy goetir yn ysgafn – À travers la forêt à la légère > Welsh Garden of Peace, 2018
The garden is designed to inspire through the ribbon of history that connects both the past and the future. It prompts a gentle, thoughtful reflection on those who fought in the Battles of the Somme and how we can prevent this happening again. The Welsh title has been chosen to particularly honour the Welsh soldiers who lost their lives. The main structure is a single seat thirty three metres long that sits gently upon the ground within a quiet part of the woodland at Thiepval. The seat wraps around and engages with existing trees and includes Welsh oak and Portland stone to resonate with the existing memorial. It sits lightly on the ground and planting includes the seeding of species primroses, recently voted as Wales « favourite flower, across the woodland. ».
The artist
Andrew Fischer Tomlin & Dan Bowyer