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International Garden Festival |
Hortillonnages Amiens 2023
Visit of the exhibition by boat

Boarding pontoon
35 rue Roger Allou – 80450 Camon

In CAMON, rent a boat for 2h30 and sail to the different plots invested around the pond of Clermont.

The rental price of a boat is based on the number of people, from 1 to 6 max. including child(ren) under 3 years old
* 20€ / 1-2 people. * 27€ / 3-4 people. * 32€ / 5-6 people. * free -3 years old
+ ASCO fee per person: €1 / 11 years and + * €0.50 / 3-10 years
>>> Only by online reservation
To read the terms and conditions of sale, click here
For security reasons, animals are not allowed in the boats. Strollers must be dropped off at reception.

We invite visitors to continue to respect barrier gestures in order to fight against the spread of COVID-19.
If you want more details, we invite you to consult the evolution of the reception instructions and the health rules in force on the government website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus

For any request for information, you can send an email to communication@artetjardins-hdf.com
or call +33 6 78 53 55 92

Looking forward to welcoming you soon!

The team of Art & Jardins | Hauts-de-France

Hortus Labyrinthus – Emma Morillon, Baptiste Gérard-Hirne & Mathilde Rouch

Hortus Labyrinthus – Emma Morillon, Baptiste Gérard-Hirne & Mathilde Rouch
Monday April 24th, 2023 Nahil-Sarah Wehbé

Baptiste Gérard-Hirne, Emma Morillon et Mathilde Rouch ©Yann Monel

Today, Hortense welcomes her son and grandchildren to the Hortillonnages for a family Sunday. As they arrive by boat near her plot, the thick mud makes navigation increasingly difficult: these decomposing plants lining the river bed gradually eat away at the inches of water…

During the day, Hortense’s son expresses regret to her: when they came by boat this morning, his children still couldn’t find the way to their grandmother’s island. They see the Hortillonnages as a real water maze and haven’t learned to read between the lines of the plants. This saddens him deeply, as he is the son of several generations of horticulturists.

Seeing his distress and difficulty in passing on his knowledge, Hortense begins to think…

Her gaze falls on a mass of mud deposited on the bank after the dredging of the canals. The youngest children play in it, and Hortense sees this invasive material as a resource.

She decides to valorize it in a playful way: inspired by the orthogonal layout of the canals, she constructs a human-scale vegetal labyrinth on her plot to help her grandchildren orient themselves.

She creates regular mounds with a mixture of mud, straw, chips, and soil, which serve as the foundation for the labyrinth and as fertilizer for the plants.

The further she progresses towards the center of the maze, the more her mounds are worked and built. The local species she sows there also evolve, ranging from woody plants on the edges of the maze to perennial plants and finally to vegetable species in the center. This great diversity allows her grandchildren to be initiated into recognizing plants.

The following season, they discover with great enthusiasm this new game, which also reminds them of the one on the floor of Amiens Cathedral. A kind of mirror between places of worship and culture, with water at its heart.

The artist

(Français) Emma Morillon, Baptiste Gérard-Hirne & Mathilde Rouch

(Français) Baptiste Gérard-Hirne et Emma Morillon, tous deux paysagistes DEP de l’École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles, partagent une pratique et une vision commune du paysage. Le sujet de la terre nourricière est au cœur de leur démarche : Baptiste (également formé à Tecomah) la cultive à petite échelle dans les jardins domestiques, et Emma (par ailleurs formée à l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lille et titutaire d’un European Master in Landscape Architecture après un échange à Amsterdam et à Edimbourg) l’étudie à l’échelle territoriale. Le duo allie ici son savoir-faire à celui de la scénographe Mathilde Rouch, diplômée de l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, et dont le travail basé sur le cheminement et la narration, qu’elle a également étudiés à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Naples apporte une richesse complémentaire au projet.