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International Garden Festival |
Hortillonnages Amiens 2023
Visit of the exhibition by boat

Boarding pontoon
35 rue Roger Allou – 80450 Camon

In CAMON, rent a boat for 2h30 and sail to the different plots invested around the pond of Clermont.

The rental price of a boat is based on the number of people, from 1 to 6 max. including child(ren) under 3 years old
* 20€ / 1-2 people. * 27€ / 3-4 people. * 32€ / 5-6 people. * free -3 years old
+ ASCO fee per person: €1 / 11 years and + * €0.50 / 3-10 years
>>> Only by online reservation
To read the terms and conditions of sale, click here
For security reasons, animals are not allowed in the boats. Strollers must be dropped off at reception.

We invite visitors to continue to respect barrier gestures in order to fight against the spread of COVID-19.
If you want more details, we invite you to consult the evolution of the reception instructions and the health rules in force on the government website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus

For any request for information, you can send an email to communication@artetjardins-hdf.com
or call +33 6 78 53 55 92

Looking forward to welcoming you soon!

The team of Art & Jardins | Hauts-de-France

Le Pittoresque – Gilles Brusset, 2024

Le Pittoresque – Gilles Brusset, 2024
Monday April 24th, 2023 Nahil-Sarah Wehbé
  • © Yann Monel
  • © Yann Monel
  • © Yann Monel
  • © Yann Monel
  • © Yann Monel

With the aim of transforming the landscape into an image using kaleidoscopic games, this landscape sculpture will be installed at the confluence of the Petite Avre and the Somme, on Verdun street in Amiens. A labyrinth of glass, a birdcage of light, and a mirror cage where 1000 reflections settle and colonize the material, this proliferating structure opens like a multitude of magical portals onto the archipelago of the Hortillonnages gardens, creating a mirage in the landscape of the banks of the Somme.

The artistic project creates a series of mirages, a deception of reality, and kaleidoscopic games. Intrigued, one begins to see a sort of slight shift in the landscape, as if one image were sliding over another. Light colonizes the material, 1000 reflections settle and carve out gaps through which the gaze and imagination rush. The sculpture is a magical gateway that opens onto the archipelago of the gardens. Inside, as one enters under and into the sculpture, one experiences a labyrinth of glass, a birdcage of light, or a reflection cage whose exit is not always obvious.

Between nature – preserved, idealized, and restored – and us, the sculpture. Crossing the perceptual threshold of the sculptures is to embark on a journey into a self-stable, proliferating, and shimmering structure that seems to emerge from the ground. Floating geometries seem to emerge from the texture of the landscape: these are apparitions that depict an ongoing process: the invasion of the Hortillonnages archipelago by structures. Is it a process of crystallization? Is it a single rhizomatic organism or one with underground hyphae whose emergences will only be seen here and there?

At some point, the optical illusion occurs, and the landscape is transformed into an image. Through visual perception, through optical illusion, one can no longer differentiate between what is reflection and what is seen through the direct impression of light on the retina. Framed by mirrors, the landscape becomes a reflection of itself, an image.

The work escapes its object status. It appears as a mirage on the banks of the Somme. The sculpture tapers along its contours and blends into the landscape. It cannot be detached from its context; the form cannot be separated from the background. More surprisingly, we will see the landscape itself dissolve, be drawn in. With the mesh of their net, the structures of the sculpture pull the garden landscape towards them. In the air, the mixture of the three-dimensional orthogonal frame of the sculpture with the picturesque undulations of the Hortillonnages gardens causes an optical reaction, a formal combustion.

The artist

(Français) Gilles Brusset

(Français) Gilles Brusset est un artiste plasticien et architecte-paysagiste, diplômé des Écoles d'architecture de Paris Belleville et de paysage de Versailles. Il réalise des projets artistiques sous son nom et conduit des maîtrises d'oeuvres de jardins et d'espace publics, avec son agence Paysarchitectures. Ses oeuvres, pérennes ou éphémères, commandes publiques, chantiers urbains... articulent des champs différenciés (paysage, architecture, urbanisme, ingénierie, art). Il réalise des "sculptures-paysages", oeuvres contextuelles qui peuvent inclure étendues de sol vivant et végétaux. Gilles Brusset a reçu de nombreux prix, notamment le Prix National de l'Art Urbain (2014). "Le troisième train", Jardin de la Paix conçu dans la clairière de l'Armistice de Compiègne (Oise) avec Marc Blume et Francesca Liggieri, a reçu le premier prix du jardin contemporain à l'European Garden Award (Prix européen du jardin, 2021).