Out / Michel Eugène > Elsa Tomkowiak, 2019
Elsa Tomkowiak is a visual artist working on color; she deploys various mediums to decline the proposal of her works. The colors that make up light have been a source of reflection for many years in Elsa’s research. It is with these colors that she carries out a pictorial work anchored in her environment, in touch with reality. The light, the one so rightly filtered by our atmosphere and which allows us life on earth, which gives us to see, colors and nourishes plants ! Sunlight is closely studied in many scientific fields to understand its essential role in biology, chemistry, but also in ecology. To help in the fight against climate change, we use the reflection of light on terrestrial bodies in many way : painting a white old glacier, the roofs of Los Angeles buildings, creating false clouds…to return more light and thus fight against global warning.
The artist
Elsa Tomkowiak